Residents: All hopes are pinned on guerilla fighters

The people of the city of Tirbespiyê in al-Jazira canton affirmed their support for the struggle and resistance of the Guerrilla forces facing genocide and occupation attacks. They stressed, “They are our hope for victory and freedom,” and denounced the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s handing over of the lands of Southern Kurdistan to the Turkish occupier and their participation in the attacks.

Residents: All hopes are pinned on guerilla fighters
18 July 2024   06:44

Various areas in Southern Kurdistan have witnessed a massive Turkish attack since the beginning of this July. The Turkish occupation army has occupied dozens of villages after displacing their people, with the handover and participation of the forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, while the Guerrilla forces remain the only ones confronting and resisting these attacks, amid the absence of any military movement by Iraqi forces.

In this context, the people of the city of Tirbespiyê in al-Jazira canton expressed their support for the resistance shown by both the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) and the Free Women’s Star Units (YJA-STAR) against the policies of genocide and occupation.

Citizen Maqboula Hussein praised the struggle and resistance of the Guerilla forces, and said: “For more than 40 years, the (Guerilla) forces have been sacrificing for the Kurdish people, and have made epics and heroics in confronting the policies of occupation and genocide pursued against peoples. If it were not for them, we would have been exposed to massacres and genocide.”

She expressed her support for the Guerrilla forces: They are our sons and daughters who sacrificed their lives for us, and we will support them no matter the cost, because they are our hope for victory and freedom. She denounced the Kurdistan Democratic Party's handover and cooperation of the lands of Southern Kurdistan to the Turkish occupier, the betrayal of the Barzani family and its cooperation with the occupation is a shameful and shameful matter and a betrayal of the Kurdish people and their cause.

In his turn, citizen Mezgin Lazgin stressed: “The Guerilla protected the Kurdish people and is still (the Guerilla is us and we are the Guerilla). He called on the Kurdistan Democratic Party to stop its betrayal and support the Kurdish people, and he addressed them, saying: “You must realize that it is the will of the Kurdish people and the standing of the Guerilla that will prevail.”

Citizen Neveya Yaghmour agrees with the opinions of citizens and their support for the Guerrilla forces, saying: “With their sacrifices and historical resistance, they were able to protect our rights and our existence,” and she expressed her connection and belief in the democratic project and the approach and philosophy of the leader Abdullah Ocalan, and every fighter, male and female, who followed the path of his philosophy.

T/ Satt.