PYD holds forum in Shahba

The Relations Committee of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) held a forum on the July 19 Revolution, the existing crises in the Middle East, and the reasons behind targeting the Democratic Autonomous Administration project.

PYD holds forum in Shahba
17 July 2024   20:10

In the presence of dozens of representatives of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, Kongra Star, the Council of Martyrs' Families, and political parties, the Relations Committee of the PYD held a forum in the town of Fafin in Shahba. 

The forum was run by the party's council member, Elham Muhammad, and the council's member, Luqman Jaro.

The forum discussed Syrian-Turkish relations, the Adana Treaty, the Turkish state’s hostility to the Syrian revolution, the relationship of the July 14 resistance to the July 19 revolution, and the attacks on the Autonomous Administration.

The participants confirmed that the philosophy of leader Abdullah Ocalan represents the solution to many crises of the Middle East.
