Women call for a stand against the decision to execute the two activists Bakhshan, Sharifa

The Women's Protection Units confirmed that women in Eastern Kurdistan and Iran followed the women's revolution in Rojava carefully, and struggled in the person of Bakhshan and Sharifa with enthusiasm and revolutionary passion for the sake of building a free Iran. The units called on all women and humanity as a whole to stand against the decision to execute the two activists and put an end to the tyrannical policies. YPJ calls on women to stand against the execution of activists Bakhshan and Sharifa

Women call for a stand against the decision to execute the two activists Bakhshan, Sharifa
31 July 2024   17:25

The General Command of the Women's Protection Units (YPJ) issued a written statement, against the backdrop of the death sentence issued by Iran against activists Bakhshan Azizi and Sharifa Moradi, which reads:

"The patriarchal system, with its practices against the existence and entity of women, has ruled entire societies throughout the ages with slavery and submission, and maintained its dominance through the violence and killing of women, which is at the same time a genocide of society. However, women have organized themselves more in the 21st century and played a pioneering role on all fronts of the struggle. Today, women are taking revenge on the thousands of years of patriarchal rule and charting the path to a free life through hard work and sacrifices. For this reason, the state attacks women more violently by adopting policies of oppression, assault, exclusion and execution against them.

The women's revolution in Rojava has become a source of an inspiration to all women in the region and the world, all women seeking freedom considered Rojava their destination and drew strength and confidence from the courage of Rojava women. The women of Eastern Kurdistan and Iran followed our revolution carefully and hundreds of young women joined the ranks of the Women’s Protection Units. Dersim Kermanshah and Vian Bayan were among the brave women of Eastern Kurdistan and Iran who joined the ranks of the Women’s Protection Units and represented the true echo of the voice of the Rojava revolution with their sacrifices and courage. Today, the women of Iran, in the person of Bakhshan Azizi and Sharifeh Mohammadi, are resisting and struggling with revolutionary enthusiasm and passion to build a free Iran where all women have the will and can live their lives in their own way. Unfortunately, the Iranian regime responds to women’s demands and their quest for freedom with death sentences.

There is no doubt that this is not the first time that the Iranian regime has attacked women in this way. In May 2010, the activist from Eastern Kurdistan, Shirin Alam Holi, who fought for her entity and refused to submit, was executed. In 2014, the Iranian regime executed Reyhaneh Jabbari for defending herself against a rapist. Recently, they brutally killed the young woman Jina Amini under the pretext that strands of her hair were showing. Against these inhuman practices, the women of Eastern Kurdistan and Iran in general turned all squares into arenas for uprising and protest under the slogan “Women, Life, Freedom.” During these protests, the women ignited the flame of uprising with their courageous stance, and all the women of the world supported the legitimate uprising of Iranian women. Unfortunately, instead of finding solutions, the Iranian regime has resorted to intensifying its attacks on women in the name of honor and morality, and now activists and journalists Bakhshan Azizi and Sharifeh Mohammadi have been sentenced to death.

We, in the Women's Protection Units, salute, in the person of Bakhshan and Sharifeh, all the women of Eastern Kurdistan and Iran for their struggle. They sacrifice their lives for freedom. Women have bravely ignited the flame of revolution and will crown it with victory. Therefore, all women of the world and humanity as a whole must stand against the decision to execute female activists to put an end to the tyrannical policies against women and peoples. We, in the Women's Protection Units, have made many sacrifices in order to build a free society. We believe in the victory of women's legitimate struggle. Women of the world, who have become more organized today, will put an end to this injustice and lead all humanity to a free life with their leadership.

T/ Satt.