Jamil Bayek: Without KDP, Turkish occupation wouldn't been advance one step

Jamil Bayek: "Without the help of the KDP, the Turkish state would not have been able to take a single step towards S. Kurdistan, currently, there is no war between the PKK and the KDP, but the war between the PKK and the occupiers-traitors".

Jamil Bayek: Without KDP, Turkish occupation wouldn't been advance one step
31 July 2024   15:15

The co-chair of the Executive Council of KCK, Jamil Bayek, spoke on a special program for Sterk TV, gave important assessments on the issues, and stressed that the isolation imposed on the leader Ocalan amounted to torture.

And he added "It was important that 69 Nobel laureates and French Senator Pascal Savoldely showed their reactions against isolation," in addition to adding that until the Kurdish issue is resolved, the Turkish state will continue its genocidal policies, and the Kurdish issue will be resolved by guaranteeing the physical freedom of the leader Ocalan.

Bayek stressed that the Iraqi government should not get involved in the occupation plans of the Turkish state, and continued: "I would like to take this opportunity to warn the Iraqi government not to serve the genocidal policy pursued by the Turkish state, as this would cause great damage to Iraq.

Opponents of the Turkish alliance in Iraq and S. Kurdistan should not limit their reactions to just making statements, if you think that this alliance is causing great damage, you should stand against it, and you should expel the occupiers from your country."

Recently, Erdogan wants to meet Assad, but he has not abandoned his goal of occupying Syria and he only changed his tactics, stating that Erdogan has caused the destruction of Syria, the loss of thousands of lives and the displacement of millions from their land.

To be continued…
