Widespread participation of Çil Agha people in signature campaign

Amid widespread participation of the people, the campaign to collect signatures demanding the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan in the Çil Agha district continues for the second day in a row.

Widespread participation of Çil Agha people in signature campaign
Widespread participation of Çil Agha people in signature campaign
Widespread participation of Çil Agha people in signature campaign
Widespread participation of Çil Agha people in signature campaign
Widespread participation of Çil Agha people in signature campaign
Widespread participation of Çil Agha people in signature campaign
Widespread participation of Çil Agha people in signature campaign
Widespread participation of Çil Agha people in signature campaign
Widespread participation of Çil Agha people in signature campaign
21 February 2024   13:57

The committees designated to collect signatures on the petition demanding the physical freedom of Leader  Ocalan completed their work today in the Rasafa neighborhood in Çil Agha.

Citizen Antar Mubarak, who signed the petition, stressed that signing the petition for the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan is “a simple thing in exchange for what the leader did for the freedom of the peoples; he resisted and fought for our freedom and the freedom of the peoples of the Middle East.”

Antar Mubarak called on all residents to sign the petition.

Signatures continue to be collected in the Çil Agha district and its affiliated towns and villages.
