International Delegation emphasizes peace and need to release leader Ocalan

During its visit to the Asr office, the international delegation confirmed that the isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan is a violation of human rights and international law.

International Delegation emphasizes peace and need to release leader Ocalan
21 February 2024   14:18

A delegation from Europe visited Istanbul to protest the isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan, who is detained in Imrali prison, as part of the series of events of the global campaign “Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, the political solution to the Kurdish issue.”

The visiting delegation, which includes parliamentarians from around the world, will make some visits over two days.

The delegation included the delegation, which is made up of Konstanze Kriese, Representative of the German Left Party; Maria Lorena Lopez De Lacalle, President of EFA (European Free Alliance); Ann Jessica Theresa Karlqvist, Representative of the Swedish Left Party and Left Forum; Josu Estarrona Elizondo, Senator of the Spanish National Assembly, Eh Bildu (Basque Country); Montserrat Vinyets Pages, Member of the Parliament of Catalonia (CUP); Ségoléne Amiot, Senator of the Non-Submissive France Party Group; Clément Evans, Advisor to the Non-Submissive France Party Group and Hege Bae Nyholt, Member of the Norwegian Red Party.

According to ANF News Agency, the delegation visited the Al-Asr Human Rights Office in the Beyoglu district, and was received by lawyer  Akipa, İbrahim Bilmez, Cengiz Yürekli, Rezan Sarıca and Mazlum Dinç and Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Foreign Affairs Co-Spokesperson Ebru Günay.

During the visit, lawyer İbrahim Bilmez, spoke about the efforts made to obtain information about Leader Abdullah Ocalan, and informed the delegation of the silence of the international mechanisms against Imrali’s isolation and the efforts made at the international level to meet with their clients.

Bilmez said after the visit, which was closed to the press: “We informed the delegation about the isolation imposed on our clients in Imrali’s Island, and we highlighted the importance of solidarity. We want to pave the way for all legal initiatives to meet leader Ocalan. Therefore, the delegation's visit is very important for us."

The delegation then read a text, during which it stressed that failure to resolve the Kurdish issue continues to affect Turkey and the region.

The delegation explained that: “Since the founding of the HEP in the 1990s and the calls by the imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, political forces among the Kurdish people have called for an end to hostilities and for peaceful negotiations between the Turkish government and the Kurdish liberation movement. These calls have been met by continued aggression and repression by the Turkish state."

It added that: “The pressures imposed on legitimate political parties and the isolation imposed on Abdullah Ocalan must be ended, in order to resume the process that aims to reach a lasting and peaceful political solution.”

The text also stated: “In solidarity with Kurdistan, all the organizations represented here will continue their efforts in mobilizing election observers for the March 31st local elections. We express our support for the European Delegation organized by the DEM Party on February 19-21. We are happy to see that MPs of different nationalities are able to join in supporting the DEM Party's rights to participate freely in elections."

Then, the delegation answered journalists’ questions, and the delegation will also hold meetings with civil society organizations and political parties.
