War-wounded federation salute resistance of N Kurdistan people

The war-wounded federation saluted the resistance of the people of N Kurdistan against the appointing trustees, and sent this message: “We are with you with all our being, we salute you for your sacred resistance.”

War-wounded federation salute resistance of N Kurdistan people
5 November 2024   14:26

War-wounded federation in NE Syria issued a written statement about the resistance of the people of N Kurdistan against the appointing trustees, which read:

“The fascist Turkish state is committing horrific practices, and its brutality has reached the point of violating its laws and the will of its people, and Erdogan’s government and his allies are seeking to suppress the will of the Kurds again.

One is surprised at the extent of the lack of humanity and emotions among these fascists, as they have come to expect everything from them.

There is no doubt that it is good that the truth about the lies of the fascist Dawlat Bahçeli has emerged, as this teaches those who believed him not to be deceived by them again and not to say, “Turkey wants peace.”

The operation of the fighter Asya Ali and the fighter Rojker Helin was completely correct. Bahçeli’s lies sought to conceal this honorable and sacrificial operation, but their fascist stance was in vain. On this occasion, we remember the heroine Asya Ali and the hero Rojker Helin with reverence and pledge to strengthen their struggle.

We salute our people in N Kurdistan once again, and we affirm that victory will be the ally of the Kurdish people and their friends.”
