Turkish occupation army brings in military convoys to S. Kurdistan

The Turkish occupation army continues to bring in military convoys to S. Kurdistan, aiming to complete its occupation of S. Kurdistan's areas in cooperation with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).

Turkish occupation army brings in military convoys to S. Kurdistan
11 July 2024   11:41

The Turkish occupation state has brought military equipment and vehicles through the border gate called Ouzomlu, in the Jaleh sub-district of the Golemerk area in Northern Kurdistan, to S. Kurdistan, completing its occupation of Dohuk Governorate's areas.

Photos and videos that have been taken by special sources show military vehicles entering S. Kurdistan through the Ouzomlu border gate.

According to local sources, the Turkish occupation army has threatened the area's residents and forced them to stay in their homes.

The incursion of the Turkish occupation army 50 kilometers deep into S. Kurdistan and its control of more than 80% of Dohuk Governorate's territory, in cooperation with the KDP, has caused great concern among the residents.
