Thwarting an infiltration attempt by Turkish occupation mercenaries in Manbij countryside

A number of Turkish occupation mercenaries were injured, as fighters of the Idlib Revolutionaries Brigade confronted an infiltration attempt towards them towards the village of Al-Buwaihj in the Manbij countryside.

Thwarting an infiltration attempt by Turkish occupation mercenaries in Manbij countryside
2 April 2024   21:21

According to what was published by the Media Center of the Manbij Military Council, a group of Turkish occupation mercenaries attempted to infiltrate the village of Al-Buwaihj in the western countryside of Manbij province at 19:00 this evening.

The media center indicated that the infiltration attempt took place from the occupied village of Al-Kreidiyeh, and confirmed that fighters of the Idlib Revolutionaries Brigade, affiliated with the forces, responded to the attack and clashed with the mercenaries for nearly an hour, and thwarted their infiltration.

The center continued, and in the news it published on its official page, that the mercenaries, after receiving painful strikes, fled to their positions and a number of casualties occurred among their ranks.

T/ Satt.