Brothers of Imrali detainees apply to PPO for access

Mehmet Ocalan and Brothers of Imarali detainees submitted a new request to the Turkish authorities to meet them.

Brothers of Imrali detainees apply to PPO for access
26 July 2024   16:52

 Today, the brother of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, Mehmet Ocalan, through his attorney Mazlum Dinç, the brother of detainee Ömer Hayri Konar, Ali Konar, the brother of Hamili Yildirim, Polat Yildirim, and the sister of Veysi Aktaş, Meliha Aktaş, submitted a new request to the Bursa Public Prosecutor's Office (PPO)and the Imrali Prison Directorate to meet them.

The lawyers of the Asr Law Office submit two requests to the Bursa Public Prosecutor's Office and the Imrali Prison Directorate to meet them every week. Their families also submit two requests every week, a total of 16 requests every month. However, no response was received.

Worth to note the last meeting with the leader by his lawyers Rezan Sarıca and Newroz Uysal was on August 7, 2019, while his last contact with the outside world was on March 25, 2021, during a 5-minute phone call with his brother Mehmet Ocalan, then the call was cut off.
