Syrian Politician: Goal of Turkish rapprochement with Damascus is to stifle change in Syria

 A Syrian opponent politician believes that the Turkish occupation state's aim in reconciling with the Damascus government is to hinder political change in Syria and its surroundings, and she urged regional countries to refrain from interfering in Syrian affairs.

Syrian Politician: Goal of Turkish rapprochement with Damascus is to stifle change in Syria
10 July 2024   09:09

The President of the Turkish occupation state recently announced in the media his readiness to hold meetings with the Damascus government and Bashar al-Assad personally, as he did before the 2011 Syrian crisis. This move ignores the crimes committed by his government against the Syrian people and their land and overlooks the occupation of Syrian territories.

Regarding the Turkish goal of rapprochement with the Damascus government, Syrian politician Dr. Samira al-Moubayed stated: “The Turkish government’s efforts to meet with Bashar al-Assad’s regime or invite him to Ankara with the Russian president are aimed at stifling the Syrian revolution and preventing political change in Syria. Political progress in Syria affects the entire region, especially countries like Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon that have long suffered from conflicts due to erroneous political decisions made by totalitarian and repressive regimes.”

Al-Moubayed emphasized that change is occurring naturally in the Middle East region after the failures of the past century to ensure security, continuity, and the coexistence of diverse populations. The current Turkish government is attempting to revive this failed legacy through the Turkish president's approach to Bashar al-Assad's regime.

Samira al-Moubayed added, the goals of this rapprochement are to prevent Syrian decision-making independence and to maintain reliance on Turkish-backed opposition groups as well as a totalitarian system accused of humanitarian violations against the Syrian people. This ploy could lead to stagnation in the country's development, detrimental to all Syrians.

Dr. Samira al-Moubayed believes that, such actions could hinder the country's growth and progress, a disastrous scenario for all Syrians. Bashar al-Assad may be willing to trade Syrian sovereignty for power, but the Syrian people's refusal to relinquish their rights and lands prevents this alignment. It is crucial to establish realistic political pathways that prioritize Syrian interests and their country's future through the northern regions' autonomy, self-determination rights, and sovereignty over Syrian lands.

Regarding her thoughts on resolving the ongoing Syrian crisis since 2011, Syrian opposition politician Samira al-Moubayed suggests that regionally, governments should acknowledge that there's no going back to pre-revolution times and cease meddling in Syrian affairs. Instead of supporting normalization and maintaining a detrimental system, parties should work towards peace in Syria. At the Syrian level, all factions must recognize the need for change to preserve the Syrian identity and lands, focusing on building a modern Syrian state that can lead regional progress and development.

T/ Satt.