SDF reveals that Turkish occupation state’s drones targeted 2 vehicles

 The Syrian Democratic Forces revealed the details of the targeting that took place in Jazera Canton of NE Syria, and explained that the targeting resulted from Turkish occupation state drones bombing 2 vehicles, including an ambulance that intervened to treat the injured, and a military point for the forces.

SDF reveals that Turkish occupation state’s drones targeted 2 vehicles
31 May 2024   18:31

The Media Center of the Syrian Democratic Forces published detailed information about the targeting that took place in the countryside of Jazera Canton in the NE Syria, which stated: 

“In a new terrorist aggression, Turkish occupation drones bombed this afternoon 2 cars, including a car that intervened to treat the wounded, and a military point belonging to our forces in the Tal Hamis area, which led to the martyrdom of 2 of our fighters.”

ANHA agency had published preliminary information about two cars being targeted in the countryside of Jazera Canton.
