PYD Council in Europe prepares for General Party Conference

Meanwhile, the Council of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Europe is holding its conference, in preparation for the party's general conference, which is scheduled to be held in October of this year in NE Syria.

PYD Council in Europe prepares for General Party Conference
PYD Council in Europe prepares for General Party Conference
6 July 2024   13:48

Under the slogan “Protecting the gains of our revolution is a guarantee for our future,” the work of the 12th conference of the PYD in Europe began in the Netherlands to select representatives of the party’s general conference, which is scheduled to be held in October of this year.

The conference was attended by 350 representatives of the party in European countries, with the participation of a group of representatives of Kurdish and Syrian political parties in Europe. In addition to a number of political and cultural figures and journalists.

The conference attendees will discuss the political situation and developments in NE Syria in light of the ongoing and renewed Turkish threats, and the struggle of the Kurdish community in Europe to protect the gains of the revolution of July 19, 2012.

The conference is scheduled to last for two days, and come up with the election of male and female representatives for the party’s general conference.
