People of Derîk slam Turkish occupation attacks

During a rally this afternoon, hundreds of people from the city of Derîk and its villages expressed their rejection of the attacks of the Turkish occupation army on the Defense Areas.

People of Derîk slam Turkish occupation attacks
People of Derîk slam Turkish occupation attacks
People of Derîk slam Turkish occupation attacks
People of Derîk slam Turkish occupation attacks
People of Derîk slam Turkish occupation attacks
People of Derîk slam Turkish occupation attacks
10 July 2024   22:11

Hundreds of people gathered in Azadi Square to participate in a mass rally against the Turhisk attacks on the Defense Areas.

After observing a minute of silence in honor of the souls of the martyrs, the member of the Democratic Union Party in Derîk, Abdul Rahman Khirki, delivered a speech in which he denounced the complicity of the Kurdistan Democratic Party with the Turkish occupation army in its attacks on the Defense Areas and Southern Kurdistan.

He said, "The policy of the Kurdistan Democratic Party rejects Autonomous Administration project in NE Syria due to the complicity of the Turkish occupation state.

Therefore, we must always denounce the betrayal of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the attacks of the Turkish occupation army on our regions."
