Manbij Military Council thwarts 3 Infiltration attempts of Turkish mercenaries

The forces of the Manbij Military Council thwarted 3 infiltration attempts by mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state into the countryside of Manbij Canton, NE Syria.

Manbij Military Council thwarts 3 Infiltration attempts of Turkish mercenaries
22 July 2024   09:24

The Media Center of the Manbij Military Council has now published information about several infiltration attempts made by mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state last night, coinciding with intensive shelling on the countryside of the Canton. They confirmed the thwarting of these attempts and the elimination of a number of mercenaries.

The center explained the details of the 3 attempts: "The fighters of the Manbij Military Council thwarted separate infiltration attempts carried out by Turkish occupation mercenaries in the villages of Arab Hassan and al-Jarad in the form of 2 separate attempts and attacks. The first attack was in the village of al-Jarad at exactly 11:00 PM, resulting in clashes that lasted for about 15 minutes between the forces of the Manbij Military Council and the Turkish occupation  mercenaries. The second attack and attempt by the mercenaries was on the village of Arab Hassan at 2:10 AM, where the clashes lasted for 20 minutes, resulting in casualties and injuries among the mercenaries."

The statement added: "The mercenaries also attempted to infiltrate the villages of Aoun al-Dadat and al-Tokhar al-Kabir. Due to the vigilance of the Manbij Military Council forces, this attempt was also thwarted."

ANHA correspondent from the Manbij Canton reported last night that the Turkish occupation  army and its mercenaries heavily shelled the northern and western countryside of the Canton.
