Deirk people denounce Turkish occupation attacks

The citizens of the city of Deirk condemned the attacks by the Turkish occupation army on the medical defense areas in Southern Kurdistan, as well as the complicity of the Kurdistan Democratic Party with it. They affirmed their support for the Guerrilla forces in facing these attacks.

Deirk people denounce Turkish occupation attacks
Deirk people denounce Turkish occupation attacks
Deirk people denounce Turkish occupation attacks
Deirk people denounce Turkish occupation attacks
Deirk people denounce Turkish occupation attacks
Deirk people denounce Turkish occupation attacks
22 July 2024   04:10

The Turkish occupation army's intensified attacks on the Mediya defense areas and areas of southern Kurdistan, in collusion with the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which opens the roads for it, have aroused the anger of the people of North and East Syria.

Citizen Joan Hassan, from the city of Derik in the Jazira Canton, said: The Turkish occupation army continues to implement its plans in collusion with the Kurdistan Democratic Party, and attack the People's Defense Forces, to undermine their will, but these plans will always fail, because the will of the forces is stronger than all plans. We will be a support and bridge for our forces until victory is achieved.

Joan Hassan pointed out: “The resistance shown by our forces, the People's Defense Forces, in the face of the Turkish occupation army, proves the existence and identity of the Kurdish people. We see our existence and identity in its will, and we will stand on the line of freedom that it represents in order to achieve a free society in which security and stability prevail.”

Member of the Union of Intellectuals in the city of Deirk, Mohammad Abdel Aziz, explained: “We are transmitting the resistance of the People's Defense Forces to generations and writing it down in history as a resistance to defend the Kurdish people. In return, we record the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s betrayal of the Kurdish people and its collusion with Turkey.”

Mohammad Abdel Aziz noted, “The resistance of the People's Defense Forces against the Turkish occupation state is the dawn of freedom for the Kurdish issue, which has been marginalized and denied over the years.”

In his turn, citizen Mohammad Ramadan confirmed, “The betrayal of the Kurdistan Democratic Party is beyond imagination. It is colluding with the Turkish occupation state, attacking the Kurdish people, and waging war on the People's Defense Forces, especially in Southern Kurdistan, which has occupied dozens of its towns and villages.”

Ramadan continued, “The history of the Kurdistan Democratic Party is full of betrayal towards the Kurdish people, by extending its hand to the Turkish occupation state and the occupiers.”

While citizen Mohammad Ahmed, from Derik, pointed out that the People’s Defense Forces represent the line of freedom for oppressed peoples who are resisting for freedom, and affirmed his support: “for the People’s Defense Forces in the face of the Turkish occupation army.”

As for citizen Magda Ahmed from Derik, she explained her position on the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s dealings with the Turkish occupation state, and said: “The plan of the Turkish occupier in its war on the People’s Defense Forces and its occupation of areas in southern Kurdistan is not new, and is taking place as a result of the complicity of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) with Turkey.”

The Kurdistan Democratic Party continues to hand over dozens of villages and towns to the Turkish occupation army.

The Turkish occupation state attacks the regions of southern Kurdistan on a daily basis, and ISIS mercenaries have been stationed in several towns and villages of Zakho, Dohuk, and Amadiyah to fight the People’s Defense Forces in the mountains of Zap and Matina and all regions of Southern Kurdistan.

On July 21, the Women’s Protection Units announced that they were ready to protect Southern Kurdistan and Iraq from ISIS mercenaries, and said: “In the spirit of Kobani, we must protect Kurdistan, Iraq, and the Middle East.”

T/ Satt.