ISIS leader arrested in Deir ez-Zor countryside

The Internal Security Forces of the North and East Syria region have arrested a prominent ISIS leader in the Deir ez-Zor countryside.

ISIS leader arrested in Deir ez-Zor countryside
14 July 2024   09:49

The Media Center of the Internal Security Forces of the North and East Syria region released information about their forces capturing an ISIS leader in the Deir ez-Zor countryside, stating:

"On Saturday, July 13, the General Security Service carried out a complex and sensitive security operation, coordinated with the international coalition, which was meticulously planned following careful monitoring and surveillance of the movements of one of the most prominent ISIS leaders in Deir ez-Zor."

The statement added, "Our forces managed to arrest him in the town of Granij. His name is Khaled Hassan Al-Salloum, also known as 'Abu Fatima Al-Sha'iti,' who held the position of Financial Services Emir in Deir ez-Zor and was an assistant to the terrorist 'Abu Suhaib Al-Iraqi.' He had appeared in one of the propaganda videos published by ISIS, urging ISIS fighters to fight before they were defeated by the Syrian Democratic Forces and Deir ez-Zor was liberated from their terrorism."

The statement noted, "After ISIS was defeated and the region was liberated, 'Abu Fatima Al-Sha'iti' led one of the most dangerous terrorist cells, specializing in carrying out assassinations."

The center highlighted, "This successful operation reflects the exceptional efforts made by the General Security Apparatus to ensure safety and stability and to pursue the remnants of ISIS cells.”
