Internal Security Forces arrest agent of Turkish occupation

The Internal Security Forces announced that they had arrested an agent of the Turkish occupation red handed, and published his confessions.

Internal Security Forces arrest agent of Turkish occupation
20 February 2024   21:17

The agent's confessions were published by the Media Center of the Internal Security Forces in North and East Syria on its official website.

During this, the Media Center indicated that the agent was arrested by the Public Security Service red-handed in the city of Qamishlo, while trying to photograph the locations of some service centers for the Turkish occupation intelligence.

The so-called Ahmed Hussein Al-Jassem, who comes from the countryside of Tal Tamr district in Jazira canton, admitted that he was recruited by the Turkish occupation intelligence after his return from Turkey at the end of 2023 through his cousin and an occupation officer, and he was assigned to photograph locations and send them.

T/ Satt.