Turkey, its gangs kill 4 citizens, kidnapping 94 others in occupied Afrin

Turkey and its mercenary gangs killed 4 citizens and kidnapped 94 others, including children and women, in the occupied Afrin canton since the beginning of this year.

Turkey, its gangs kill 4 citizens, kidnapping 94 others in occupied Afrin
Turkey, its gangs kill 4 citizens, kidnapping 94 others in occupied Afrin
Turkey, its gangs kill 4 citizens, kidnapping 94 others in occupied Afrin
21 February 2024   05:07

The Turkish occupation state continues its killing and kidnapping operations in the occupied Afrin canton. From the beginning of the year until February 20, it killed 4 citizens and kidnapped 94 others.

The Human Rights Organization Afrin - Syria reported in statistics last January that the occupying state and its mercenary gangs killed 4 Kurdish citizens, including two women.

The occupying state and its mercenaries also kidnapped 53 citizens, including 15 women, some of whom were minors, in addition to two children, according to the organization.

In a related context, the Violations Documentation Center published a report on the crimes of Turkey and its mercenaries on February 20. The report issued by the center stated that 41 people were kidnapped from the beginning of February until the date of publication of the report.

T/ Satt.