Infiltration attempt by Turkish mercenaries to Manbij countryside thwarted

The forces of the Manbij Military Council thwarted a new infiltration attempt by Turkish mercenaries into the countryside of Manbij Canton in the NE Syria region, causing them losses in lives and equipment.

Infiltration attempt by Turkish mercenaries to Manbij countryside thwarted
7 September 2024   08:41

The Media Center of the Manbij Military Council published in the late hours of Friday night - Saturday, information about an attack and an attempt to infiltrate Turkish mercenaries into the countryside of Manbij Canton, which was met with a strong response by the Council forces.

Manbij Military Council fighters thwarted an attempt by mercenaries to infiltrate the village of al-Hawshariya in the northeastern countryside of Manbij, killing and wounding the attackers.

In the continued targeting of the Turkish occupation army in the northwestern countryside of Manbij Canton, the mercenaries on September 5, through drone and artillery shelling, attempted to infiltrate and target the villages of the Canton, during which the forces of the Manbij Military Council were able to shoot down 3 drones.

The targeting of the village of Al-Jarad in the northern countryside of the Canton with a suicide drone led to the injury of Mahmoud Hussein al-Khalaf (40 years old).

While 3 members of the Damascus government forces were killed and another was wounded, in clashes that erupted as Turkish mercenaries tried to infiltrate the first point in the village of Al-Dandaniya.
