FSP congratulates components of NE Syria on Newroz

The Future Syria Party affirmed that with the advent of Newruz, hope and optimism will be renewed and all forms of injustice and occupation will end, saying: “May its flame be a source of inspiration for all of us, so that we can complete the process of liberation and building democratic societies.”

FSP congratulates components of NE Syria on Newroz
20 March 2024   13:39

 Today, through a statement, the Future Syria Party congratulated the components of Syria in general and the Kurds in particular on the occasion of Newroz.

The statement said: “The importance of Newroz lies in the fact that it is a symbol of struggle and steadfastness, as well as freedom and peace alike, and that it is considered one of the most important and oldest holidays among the peoples of the Middle East."

The statement indicated: “Here lies the strength of the people of the region and their clinging to their land and heritage against all the forces of tyranny and injustice."

The statement explained that, despite the wars and conflicts that the Middle East region is currently suffering from, these have led to a worsening of the difficult humanitarian situation and an increase in the suffering of people throughout the region.

The Party expressed its hopes for Newroz this year, saying: “ May Newroz's flame be a source of inspiration and determination for all of us, so that we can complete the process of liberation and build democratic societies in Syria and the Middle East, in the footsteps of the martyrs of freedom. They have all glory and eternity for the sacrifices they made.” “We also greet the families of the martyrs on this occasion.”
