DAA organizes lecture about international plot against leader

During a lecture organized for members of the Democratic Autonomous Administration bodies, Kanaan Barakat stressed the necessity of delving deeper into the thought of leader Abdullah Ocalan by reading and publishing his books, and strongly joining the campaign demanding his physical freedom.

DAA organizes lecture about international plot against leader
DAA organizes lecture about international plot against leader
DAA organizes lecture about international plot against leader
DAA organizes lecture about international plot against leader
DAA organizes lecture about international plot against leader
DAA organizes lecture about international plot against leader
DAA organizes lecture about international plot against leader
DAA organizes lecture about international plot against leader
6 February 2024   20:07

The Agriculture and Economy Boards in Al-Jazira canton organized a lecture on the international conspiracy that targeted Leader Abdullah Ocalan, at the Muhammad Sheikho Center in the city of Qamishlo, attended by members of the two bodies and the county councils.

At the beginning of the lecture, Kanaan Barakat touched on the policies practiced by authoritarian regimes against the people of the region, including massacres and exterminations, starting with the Ottoman massacres that were carried out over a period of 400 years, against the Kurdish, Arab, Syriac and Armenian peoples, all the way to the policies of the dominant capitalist system by dividing the Middle East into weak mini-states to control it and its people and to facilitate the passage of its plans at the expense of shedding the blood of peoples.

Barakat pointed out that the Kurdish people had the largest share of the policies practiced by authoritarian and capitalist regimes, and were victims of the persecution of the countries colonizing Kurdistan.

He explained: “From the massacres and atrocities, it was necessary for a historic national awakening to change the course and destiny of the Kurdish people and the peoples of the region, and that awakening was achieved by the establishment of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party by leaderAbdullah, which has been fighting since its founding for the freedom of the peoples of the region, and which has faced the policy of genocide and denial through The armed struggle was able to build a free and revolutionary society, to be a barrier to their projects, especially the new Middle East project.”

Objectives and plot threads

Barakat also touched on some of the details of the international conspiracy and the role played by international regimes, including Arab and European countries. He said: “The international conspiracy was managed by the American and Israeli intelligence services, and all regimes that had policies and plans in the Middle East participated in it, with the aim of removing the leader and the Kurdistan Liberation Movement, to implement its colonialism projects, and control over the peoples of the region, so all airports were closed in the face of the leader, so he was kidnapped from Nairobi and handed over to Turkish fascism.”

Regarding what happened after the conspiracy, Barakat noted: “By arresting the leader and imposing strict isolation on him, the conspiring regimes began implementing their projects and military interventions, including the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, and this is what the leader called World War III.”

The Turkish attacks are a continuation of the conspiracy

Kanaan Barakat explained: “Despite the isolation, the thought of the leader Abdullah Ocalan spread more among the oppressed peoples, and the peoples of the world rallied around the thought of the democratic nation, coinciding with the crises experienced by the repressive regimes, so the isolation intensified the leader Abdullah Ocalan, amidst International, illegal and inhumane silence.”

Kanaan Barakat confirmed that the international conspiracy continues until the present day by targeting the democratic project that was built according to the thought of leader Abdullah Ocalan, and noted: “The forces and countries that participated in the conspiracy today also support the Turkish state in its crimes against the people of NE, Syria and the Kurdish peoples.”

Defeating the conspiracy and isolation by spreading the leader’s thought

Barakat stressed that, in light of the crises the world is experiencing due to capitalist systems, there is no alternative to the thought of the democratic nation and the directives of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, in order to liberate the peoples from these systems.

Barakat also touched on the global campaign that was launched on October 10, 2023, for the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, and the role of the people of North and East Syria in it, and stressed: “We must delve deeper into the thought of Leader Abdullah Ocalan by reading and publishing his books, and joining strongly.” To the campaign and spread the thought of Leader Abdullah Ocalan on the largest scale to win the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan.”

Activities denouncing the international conspiracy and demanding the freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan continue in NE, Syria, including lectures and reading of the leader’s books, and their climax will be on February 15, with a mass and central march in the city of Qamishlo and the cities of the provinces of the NE, Syria.

T/ Satt.