ANHA enters its 12th year

ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
ANHA enters its 12th year
1 March 2024   03:02

Our agency (Hawar News Agency - ANHA) left behind 11 years of covering the course and developments of the revolution, resistance, occupation, invasion, massacres and the spread of the philosophy of democratic civilization.

Eleven years ago, with the arrival of the Spring of Peoples in the Middle East in Syria and the outbreak of the July 19 Revolution in Rojava Kurdistan, specifically on March 1, 2013, our agency was established as an integral part of the legacy of free media that has continued for nearly half a century.

Despite the limited capabilities during its first years, our agency reported the reality of Syria and North and East Syria on the one hand, and fought to rebuild the moral and political society, against authoritarianism in the field of media, on the other hand.

(ANHA) believes that the struggle at the media level is one of the means of struggle to strengthen the principles of life and build the moral and political character of society, which accommodates all components, voices, beliefs and opinions, and that the media is an essential factor in building a democratic society.

Therefore, it aims to struggle and fight within the field of media in order to define, protect and develop the identity, culture and history of oppressed peoples, whose existence is denied and subjected to physical and cultural genocide, and also to eliminate the authoritarian media mentality isolated from society and linked to the masculine mentality, and to create and build thought that is closely related to society.

In order to eliminate the mentality of patriarchal domination, and remove the media from the control of authority and its service, ANHA based its media work on diverse media coverage based on community service.

In addition, it focused its media coverage on highlighting the resistance taking place in North and East Syria against the occupation and invasion, and covering the model of Democratic Autonomous Administration DAA that is being established.

Over the course of 11 years, and through a work team consisting of more than 120 members within 18 centers in Syria and the Middle East, ANHA has become a reference for reaching the facts and an integral part of the free media with its courage and continuous, relentless struggle.

In order to search for the truth, our agency presented 5 male and female martyrs from our male and female colleagues. On October 12, 2017, our colleagues Rizgar Deniz, Hoker Muhammad, and our colleague Delishan Ibesh were attacked with a car bomb by ISIS mercenaries while they were covering the conditions of people fleeing the oppression of ISIS, from al-Baghouz, and the attack at that time resulted in the martyrdom of our colleague Hoker Muhammad and our colleague Delishan Ibish, and the serious wounding of our colleague Rizgar, as a result of which he was martyred two months later, specifically on December 18, 2017.

Our colleague Saad Ahmed was martyred on October 13, 2019, while covering the attacks of the Turkish occupation state and its mercenaries on Serêkaniyê.

As for our colleague Issam Abdullah, he was martyred on November 20, 2022, while reporting the people’s reactions to the Turkish occupation state’s bombing of the village of Takl Bakl in Derik, as the Turkish occupation resumed its bombing of the village again.

ANHA provides its reportes in Kurdish, Arabic, English, Spanish, Russian and Turkish, and during 11 years of continuous media coverage it has gained the trust of followers, readers and society, which motivates it to continue.

On this occasion, we in our agency (Hawar News Agency - ANHA) emphasize continuing to follow in the footsteps of the martyrs of free media and committment to the path of searching for the truth and working in accordance with the goals for which the agency was established, during its 12th year as well, and we extend our thanks to our followers for their support in writing a true story. Free media and conveying the voice of the people, women, youth and the system of freedom and democracy.

T/ Satt.