American drones target Iran's affiliated groups

Armed faction sites on the Syrian side in the Albukamal area were subjected to air strikes, through three drone strikes, while the Syrian Observatory said that the bombing resulted in deaths and injuries.

American drones target Iran's affiliated groups
30 December 2023   08:33

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that about 20 members of pro-Iranian groups were killed and wounded in an initial toll of 9 American air strikes that targeted military headquarters and a weapons shipment in the city of Albukamal and its environs near the Syrian-Iraqi border.

According to the Syrian Observatory, among the dead were members of non-Syrian nationalities. A shipment of weapons, vehicles, and an ammunition warehouse were targeted in the city of Albukamal and its countryside.

In the same context, an Iraqi security source reported today that positions of armed factions on the Syrian side in the Albukamal area were subjected to air strikes, via three drone strikes, according to the American Al Hurra Network.

The source said, "Three strikes launched by drones on positions of armed factions resulted in the destruction of eight trucks that entered from the Iraqi side to the Syrian side."

It is noteworthy that US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin announced last Monday that the US army had bombed three sites in Iraq used by factions loyal to Iran, in response to an attack that occurred hours earlier and resulted in the injury of three American soldiers. Austin said in a statement, “The US Armed Forces launched necessary and proportionate strikes on three facilities in Iraq used by Kataib Hezbollah and its affiliated groups.”
