
Most prominent cultural activities and events in NE Syria

30 December 2023   09:01

The year 2023 witnessed an intense cultural movement in various cities and areas of the NE region of Syria, in line with the diversity and cultural richness of the peoples.

The Cultural Body in the NE region of Syria, as well as the cultural bodies and offices in the Democratic Autonomous Administrations, have developed a program of intensive cultural activities and events during the year 2023. In addition, there are many cultural unions present in the region that have also contributed to strengthening the cultural movement.

The cultural activities and events organized during the year clearly expressed the richness, and cultural diversity of the peoples of the region in a manner consistent with the principles of the nation’s democratic culture.

List of the series of events organized during 2023.

March 1, the activities of the Women's Literature and Art Festival, in its eighth edition, were launched at the Muhammad Sheikho Cultural Center in the city of Qamishlo.

March 29, the results of the Kurdish Youth Poetry Competition for the year 2023 were announced.a

April 29, the launch of the “Literary Week” activities for its second session in Kobani.

May 11, the second Orkish Music and Singing Festival was launched in the city of Qamishlo.

May 11, announcing the names of the winners of the Martyr Garzan literary competition in the fields of poetry, stories, prose, and essays in the Arabic and Kurdish languages.

May 15, the launch of the activities of the Kurdish Book Fair in the city of Qamishlo, in its second edition.

May 20, the start of the activities of the Fourth Rojava Arts Forum in the city of Kobani.

May 26, the launch of the plastic art exhibition in the city of Qamishlo.

June 11, the launch of the activities of the Sixth Literary Forum in Tabqa.

June 13, the start of the eighth Kurdish Story Festival in the city of Qamishlo.

July 14, the launch of the First Tabqa Forum for Fine Arts.

July 24, the first phase of the fourth session of the “Future Writer for Children” competition began in Jazera Canton.

August 1, the launch of the second forum for future painters in the city of Tabqa.

August 29, the start of the first literary festival in Raqqa.

September 14, the Culture Committee of Girê Spi district Council opened the third Tal Abyad Culture and Heritage Festival.

October 1, opening of the fourth exhibition of Fine art entitled “Whirlwind of Colors”.

October 5, the launch of the first Heritage Music and Singing Festival in Tabqa.

October 28, the launch of the Martyr Harakol Book Fair in its seventh edition.

October 31, the start of the Martyr Stervan foeth festival.

November 1, the seventh session of the Osman Sabri Literature Festival begins in the city of Qamishlo.

November 5, the first festival of women’s art and literature in Tabqa begins

November 10, the Democratic Nation Culture Festival was launched in the Tal Barak district of Jazera Canton.

November 12, the second session of the Kobani Literary Festival begins.

November 14, opening of the plastic art exhibition “Women’s Resistance” in the NE region of Syria.

November 25, the “Khabur Cultural Festival” was launched in the city of Hasaka.

December 15, the launch of the activities of the ninth Rojava Festival of Culture and Art in the city of Qamishlo.

In addition to these activities, there are dozens of cultural and artistic evenings organized by bodies, offices, committees, and unions of intellectuals and writers in the region.

