30 parties and organizations participate in municipal elections

27 parties and organizations are running as two coalitions, 3 parties and many other individuals in the municipal elections that will be held in the NE Syria on June 11.

30 parties and organizations participate in municipal elections
22 May 2024   15:00

 The application period for the municipal elections in the NE Syria region, set by the High Elections Commission, ended at 17:00 yesterday, May 21.

According to information received from the High Electoral Commission, two coalitions, three parties, and several individuals submitted independent applications to run in the municipal elections.

The People's and Women's Alliance for Freedom consists of 22 parties and organizations, including the Democratic Union Party, Kongra Star, the Future Syria Party, and the Zenobia Women's Gathering.

The “Together for Better Services” coalition consists of 5 parties.

As for the three parties that will run in the elections on behalf of the party, they are:

- The Syrian National Democratic Alliance Party.

- National Democratic Development and Change Party.

- Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti).

Aside from alliances and parties, many people have applied independently, but their number has not yet been determined.

After the end of the period for submitting nomination applications, the High Elections Commission began studying nomination applications, and the lists of candidates will be announced on May 25.
