Egyptian politician stresses need to uphold spirit of cooperation and integration between Arab and Kurdish peoples

Reportaj Summay

 Egyptian politician stresses need to uphold spirit of cooperation and integration between Arab and Kurdish peoples
14 April 2022   01:45

 Egyptian politician Rami Zuhdi stresses the need to uphold the spirit of cooperation and integration between the Arab and Kurdish peoples. He called on them to address the peoples instead of the governments of countries that act according to their interests.

 The Egyptian politician Rami Zuhdi explained that the positions of European countries or influential international powers will not be neutral or characterized by justice, and positions, but they always change according to interests.

 In an interview with our agency, Zami Zuhdi stressed the need for cooperation and integration between the Arab and Kurdish peoples as partners in homelands and geography.

 The following is the text of the interview:

 * The leader Abdullah Ocalan has been fighting for decades for the Kurdish cause. He has strived hard to solve the Kurdish cause, but his efforts have always been met with rejection and conspiracy. He was arrested through an international conspiracy on February 15, 1999. How do you evaluate the struggle of the leader Abdullah Ocalan?

 Mr. Ocalan’s struggle stemmed from the injustice against the Kurdish nationalism, and it was an inevitable result of eras of societal, cultural and political exclusion. Historically, personalities similar to Ocalan’s personality were inspiring to the people of their countries to continue working until the goals were achieved, and the struggle of Mr. Ocalan and others is a building block in the future of my students and defenders of the cause. Mr. Ocalan will remain an icon of victory in Kurdish culture in the future.

 * The Turkish authorities have imposed strict isolation on the leader for decades, and it is contrary to all international laws and even Turkish laws. What do you think is the reason?

 The Turkish authorities that follow this approach cannot be described as patriotism. What they offer is the opposite of what the homeland needs. It works against the interest of the Turkish state in general with all its nationalities, but the matter is clearly against the Kurds because they are the strongest nationalism in terms of number and influence, and it is unique in being  linked to other surrounding countries, so that the Kurdish cause has become greater than understanding the borders of the Turkish state and understanding the Turkish authority. The Turkish government has become unpatriotic and not astute enough, and a tool for international external forces in order to achieve strategic and economic goals in the region.  The frustration of these plans, which aims to disperse the region and possibly radically change its demography.

 * Leader Ocalan, despite the harsh prison conditions, continued his struggle, putting forward the project of the democratic nation, which calls for the rights of all peoples, the freedom of women and the consolidation of bonds of love and peace.  Do you have any knowledge of the democratic nation project, which is now in force in north and east Syria?

 In general, it is not possible to disagree on the noble goals adopted by the project, while in terms of the details of the project, I think that they may need to be re-characterized when applying in different geographical areas between Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Iran, despite the same nationalism and similar circumstances. However, the specificity of the details differs between the Kurds in each country, especially since the political, societal and economic climate as well as the security conditions are different from one country to another in this region.

 *The name of the PKK has been included in the "terror list" by the United States and the European Union, without any legal basis;  This party represents the aspirations and struggle of the Kurdish people, which means criminalizing the Kurdish people.  What do you think is the reason and why?

 The position of European countries or influential international powers has never been and will not be neutral or characterized by justice. Attitudes and rulings always change according to interests, and I see that the Kurds have never been terrorists and never will be. They have to trust themselves and address other peoples instead of the governments of countries that move  according to what it sees its interests, even at the expense of humanity or justice.

 *Turkey practices terrorism against the Kurdish people, starting with the occupation, leading to massacres, changing the demographics of Kurdistan, and settling mercenary families there. In your opinion, why is Turkey not being held accountable?

 On the contrary, I think that Turkey will pay a very expensive price for such violations in the very near future, and if it succeeds for a while, regardless of its absence of the law, it will not be able to continue. It may review all files now in Turkey, especially the economic and foreign relations file, but it portends real crises is coming to the Turkish regime.

 * The Arab and Kurdish peoples have strong historical relations, and Leader Ocalan stresses the need to unite the Arab and Kurdish peoples in their struggle in order to deter all risks to the two peoples, especially the dangers posed by the Turkish state, which interferes in the affairs of most of the Arab state. In your opinion, what is required now of the two Arab peoples  And the Kurdish at this point?

 It is required to raise the spirit of cooperation, integration and the partnership of nations, and to raise the nationalism of geography above the idea of ​​Arab nationalism, which was not appropriate or successful in the past, and will never keep pace with the reality and aspirations of peoples in the future.  Language or religion, and we all understand that difference is strength and complementarity, not a reason for disagreement or discord.
