Knowing the identity of the second young man who was killed by Turkish Gendarmerie

The identity of the second young man who was killed by Turkish gendarmerie was known after the people were able to transfer him to the hospital, his body and Adel al-Badr body were found near village of Qaramana in countryside of al-Darbasiya.

Knowing the identity of the second young man who was killed by Turkish Gendarmerie
16 March 2022   06:34

Yesterday evening, the people found the bodies of 2 young men near Qaramana village 3 km west of the center of al-Darbasiya district, and they were able to transfer one of them to Martyr Khabat Hospital. It belongs to the young man, Adel Muhammad al-Badr, born in 2001, while they were unable to move the other body for fear of being targeted by the Turkish gendarmerie.

Today, the people were able to transfer the second body to Martyr Khabat Hospital. It belongs to the young man, Taha al-Mohammed, born in Tel Hamis in 2001, in Qamishlo Canton.

After examining the 2 bodies, it was found that the two young men lost their lives 48 hours before the first body was found, as a result of torture with sharp objects that appeared on their bodies.
