Religion Guardians' mercenaries try to turn table in Idlib, fears to spread Coivd -19 again

Observers saw that the mercenaries of "Guardians of Religion" by attacking the government forces in Idlib want to turn the table over the attempt of "Tahrir al-Sham" mercenaries to make them a scapegoat in exchange for maintaining their presence, while the Libyan army began its moves towards the capital Tripoli, while there are fears of a second extension of corona.

Religion Guardians' mercenaries try to turn table in Idlib, fears to spread Coivd -19 again
11 May 2020   04:06

On Monday morning, Arab press touched upon the recent attack on the Syrian government forces in Idlib, in addition to the Libyan situation, and the spread of the coronavirus.

Al-Arab: “Guardians of Religion” embarrasses al-Golani by targeting the Syrian army

The Arab newspapers issued this morning dealt with several issues in the Syrian issue, the most prominent of which was the attack by mercenaries in Idlib against government forces. In this context, Al-Arab newspaper said, "At least 22 elements of the Syrian forces and jihadist factions, most notably the militant organization" Guardians of Religion "were killed during clashes in northwestern Syria, despite the ceasefire two months ago.

Idlib and parts of neighboring provinces have been subject to a ceasefire agreement since the sixth of March, followed by a massive attack launched by the Syrian forces with Russian support, which pushed nearly a million people from their areas.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights SOHR reported that "15 members of the Syrian government forces and gunmen loyal to them were killed, compared to seven elements of the organization" Guardians of Religion "and jihadist groups, as a result of violent clashes in al-Ghab Plain area in the northwestern Hama countryside.

This death toll is "the highest since the truce took effect", according to the observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman, who explained that "the clashes erupted after midnight after the factions attacked the positions of the regime forces," and observers say that the attack of the Guardians of Religion comes in an attempt to relieve pressure on it and an endeavor to turn the table on the HTS, which escalated against the organization in what seemed to want him to scapegoat, in exchange for the HTS maintaining its presence in the region.

Since the truce declared by Moscow in support of Damascus and Ankara in support of the factions, the region has witnessed intermittent clashes and mutual shelling between the two parties, but the current battles are the "fiercest".

Al-Bayan: The Libyan army is moving towards the center of Tripoli

Regarding the Libyan issue, Al-Bayan newspaper said, "The Libyan National Army began massive military moves towards the center of the capital, Tripoli, from the axes of Salah al-Din and Abu Salim.

The director of the Department of Counselling in the Libyan Army, Khaled al Mahjoub, said that military units have launched a wide movement in the capital, Tripoli, to control the observatories of Turkish mercenaries in the Salah al-Din axis and Abu Salim in the city center, explaining that the Libyan army intends to expand its areas of control in the rest of the capital, Tripoli.

Al-Sharq al-Awsat: A second tide of "Corona" threatening the world ... and besieging the Trump team

Regarding the spread of the Coronavirus, Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper said, "A second extension of the Corona pandemic threatens a number of countries in the world, whose restrictions on their population have been eased, after controlling the outbreak of the virus, while the World Health Organization warned of a second wave, and possibly a third, of infections."

Yesterday, the Chinese authorities detected a new infection in Wuhan, the first epicenter of the pandemic, the first case recorded in more than a month in the city, and after stopping the spread of the virus in South Korea, Seoul decided to close the nightclubs following new cases.

President Moon Jae-in stressed that the new focus of infection "makes us realize that this type of situation can happen at any time." In Germany, 3 cantons crossed a critical threshold with 50 new infections recorded.

In the United States, which is the country most affected by the pandemic by about 80,000 deaths, the virus is approaching the immediate vicinity of President Donald Trump, and the disease has pushed 3 members of the White House anti-pandemic team to quarantine, according to media reports.

On the other hand, fears have been spread after rising infections in Lebanon, which could prompt the government to adopt measures, including closing the country 48 hours to conduct a field survey in the areas where there were cases, as Health Minister Hamad Hassan said, for its part, the government is heading Iran to reopen schools next week amid warnings issued yesterday of a new wave of the pandemic. "