Participant in the hunger strike campaign Yunga Akiji martyred

The hunger striker at Bashakran women's prison Yunga Akiji who has been involved in the strike activity since March 1 to demand lifting the isolation imposed on the Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan in the result of a redemption carried out in prison.

Participant in the hunger strike campaign Yunga Akiji martyred
2 April 2019   04:10

In order to demand lifting the isolation imposed on Ocalan by the Turkish state, the woman in the women's prison Yunga Akiji carried out a commando operation that led to her injuries to be transferred to the hospital, and she martyred there.

Yunga was arrested and placed in Bashakaran women's prison four years ago on charges of "joining the organization." On March 29, she carried out a commando operation in prison to reject the isolation imposed on Ocalan and she got wounded and taken to the hospital.

On March 1, Yunga joined the hunger strike campaign, and martyred at Celê Hospital as a result of her injury.

The corpses of Yunga Akiji was transferred after the completion of the procedures in the hospital to Agirî city of Bakur Kurdistan.