Launching of Tigris, Euphrates festival of Culture, Art in Kobani

On Saturday, in Kobani city, the activities of "Tigris and Euphrates for Culture and Art festival" have been launched in Kobani city on behalf of the Martyr Hauger Festival

Launching of Tigris, Euphrates festival of Culture, Art in Kobani
20 Decemberember 2018   08:07


The Youth League of Rojava has completed the preparations for the festival of "Tigris and Euphrates for Culture and Art" in Kobani city on behalf of the Martyr Hauger Festival, and in this context the youth have decorated the platform of the festival with pictures of martyrs and flags of the People and Women Protection Units.

The festival will take place at 17:00 at the Martyr Ageid Square in the city of Kobani. The festival will be attended by the people of Manbij, Girê Spî, al-Raqqa, al-Tabqa and al Jazeera region.

According to the committee overseeing the festival, the festival will continue in several other areas. The committee stated that the festival will also be held in al-Raqqa on 25 October, in Qamişhlo on 30 October and in al-Hasakah on 5 November.

Jia Walat a member of the festival's preparatory committee said in this context "The festival will highlight the culture of all the components in the area, and the youth of the Euphrates and al-Jazeera regions will participate in the festival