What is the organizational structure of Future Syria Party, what are conditions of affiliation?

The Syrian Future Party adopts an internal regime based on its own goals to achieve democratic transformation in Syria and derives its political and organizational effectiveness and will through its associates, which are united by a common political agenda and common goals. It rejects all concepts of chauvinism, racism and sectarianism. The Party emphasizes the unity of Syrian territory and good relations with neighboring countries, and combines community originality with democratic modernity an

What is the organizational structure of Future Syria Party, what are conditions of affiliation?
29 April 2018   05:32


In this report, we highlight the organizational structure of the party, the conditions of membership and affiliation with the Future Syria Party, the rights of the member, how to join the party, membership card, loss of membership, the tasks and duties of the member and joining measures for persons abroad.

 Party membership

· Every Syrian citizen and the like who is deprived of his nationality and is bound by the restriction, has the right regardless of his place of residence and membership of the party.

Terms of party membership

· Acceptance of the Party's manifesto and internal regulations.

· Have completed 18 years.

· Be of good conduct.

• Not be a member of another political party.

· Promise to pay his specified monthly contributions.

· Submit an application to join the party.

· Application Procedures:

An application for membership shall be submitted to the district council or area in where they reside, including at least two names of party members known by them.

The applicant may obtain a copy of the application form, the membership form can be filled out and submitted via the Internet and similar methods.

Determination of membership application and admission procedures:

The party's administration in the governorate is the body authorized to decide on the application for membership within a maximum of thirty days. When the application is accepted, the registration of members in the region shall be recorded according to the date and place of the decision and a copy shall be sent to the General Organization Bureau.

A person objecting to decisions regarding the rejection of his application may appeal to the organization's office within fifteen days and decide within thirty days. This decision is considered absolute in terms of the internal procedures of the party.

Procedures for enrollment of citizens living abroad:

Syrians residing abroad may apply for membership in party offices in their countries of residence or through the Internet.

The assets and procedures for acceptance of membership shall be regulated by the same mechanism.

 Membership card in the party

The General Organization's Office of the Organization is the authority to issue membership cards. The council of the region shall hand over the membership card to the person who has accepted membership in the party. This card shall not be used for any other purpose than to prove membership in the party.

Upon change of residence, the member will hand over their card and receive a new membership card from the new area council.

 Loss of membership status

· Party membership shall be canceled in the following documented cases:

· Death

• Resignation, resignation must be documented by providing it personally and in writing or proxy within the area of ​​struggle.

· Membership in another party.

· In cases of expulsion from the party by a decision of the committees and the Bureau of Discipline and Control and approved by the General Council of the Party.

Recertification of membership

The governorate council may decide on the request to return the membership to those who resigned, taking into consideration the opinion of its regional council, and the student may return the membership objection to the decision of rejection in the General Council within 15 days.

The decision on applications submitted by those who resigned from the party's parliament members who were members of the Constituent Assembly, the General Council, the Discipline and Control Office and those who served in the presidency of municipality and governate in order to restore membership of the party to the General Assembly of the party.

A member who has been disqualified may file an objection to the decision to write off to the provincial council within thirty days from the date of notification of the decision. He may appeal against the rejection decision to the general council within 30 days.

Members’ records

All documents related to party membership are duly filed with the General Organization Office based on records of members controlled by regional organizations, and the archive of the Organization Bureau is a fundamental reference to members’ records.

Tasks and duties of the member

· To embody the values ​​of democracy and free co-existence in word and deed.

· To embody equality between women and men.

• Work in a spirit of responsibility and enthusiasm in order to consolidate the principles and objectives of the party.

· Implement the policies set by the Party leadership represented by the General Council of the Party.

· Implement the instructions and partisan directions, and follow the rules of the manifesto.

· Commit to the political program of the party and its principles and objectives and applied in practice.

· Demonstrate the comradeship of spirit and party discipline and apply them in practice.

· Protect and develop party and material values.

• Abandon the authoritarian mentality, favoring the national and party interest to personal interests, and defending the material and moral values ​​of the homeland and the citizen.

· To be a moral and democratic model in its positions and relations with the various components of Syrian society.

· Opposes violence, tyranny and extremism, and defends the values ​​of human civilization.

· Expanding the grassroots and spreading party policy among them.

The rights of the member:

1. Candidacy and election at all levels according to the regulations.

2 - Criticism and self-criticism, and defend themselves against the allegations within the organizational assets.

3. Freedom of opinion, expression and proposal in the organizational meetings.

4- The party member may resign from his duties or from the party by submitting a written report to the concerned supreme authority, in which he shall discuss the reasons for the resignation. His request shall not enter into force unless the governorate council approves.

5 - Obtaining information that helps in the development of their struggle from the body responsible for them.

6 - Claiming to rehabilitate him in violation of one of the member’s rights.

7. Demanding intellectual, political and cultural training.

8. Participating in drawing the party's policy from its party position.

The organizational structure of the party

Organization of the town, village, neighborhoods:

- The village, town or neighborhood organization will hold its expanded meeting each year under supervision of the regional council with at least half of the members present.

- The Expanded Meeting will discuss its program of work to be determined by the committee and read the Party's directives.

- Election of the town / village / neighborhood committee by secret ballot and public screening.

- Village delegates are elected to the district’s conference by direct vote.

- Town / village / neighborhood committee:

- The link between the masses and the party. The committee promotes the party's policy, disseminates its ideas, educates citizens accordingly, and conveys their criticisms and suggestions regarding the performance of the government or the party. The committee exercises its organizational activity within its sector and is responsible to the party and the higher committees.

- The village, town and neighborhood committee consists of (5 to 15) members of the party residing in the village / town / neighborhood. The committee elects from among its members a secret ballot, public vote, deputy and financial officer by direct and majority vote. The committee meets twice a month with a full majority. The committee's meetings are discussed and the reports received from the higher regulatory bodies are read. The member of the committee is entitled to review the issued report and is entitled to the reservation of its articles and decisions.

- Members of the newly established committee in the village, town or neighborhood may be appointed by the district council after considering the opinion of the district council.

Party organization in the district:

The conference is held every two years and is the highest authority to organize the district and the region’s council undertakes supervising the organization of the region.

The district’s conference elects the head of the party's administration in the region with two-thirds of the votes and the members of his primary and reserve administrations by majority. The vice president of the district, who is nominated by the president himself, shall approve two-thirds of the votes. If the deputy receives less than half of the votes in the first and second round, the president shall elect another member.

The conference will discuss the issues on its agenda and decide on them.  The district’s conference will elect the primary and reserve delegates who will represent them in the region's conference by direct vote. The council of the region will determine their numbers according to the distribution of towns, villages and neighborhoods.

Membership of the party conference in the district:

The district’s conference consists of the head of the party's administration in the district, their deputy and the main members of the administration, and the elected representatives from all the organizations affiliated with the Party's administration in the district, the number of which shall be determined by the party administration under the supervision of the regional council. The total number of delegates shall not be less than 50 and not more than 100 delegates. The delegates of the conference are divided according to the proportions of the party members in each village and town and neighborhood.

The district’s conference will be held under the supervision and supervision of the region's administration.

Party management in the district:

The district administration consists of a minimum of seven members and a maximum of twenty members, including the president and vice president.

It is responsible for all villages, towns and neighborhoods’ organizations within its sector.

The meeting shall be held once every thirty days with the participation of the majority of the total number of members. Decisions shall be taken by a majority of the participants in the meeting.

It shall, at its first meeting, select the members of the Executive Body of the district, and shall carry out the necessary work to define the activities and programs of the party within the district, and performs the tasks entrusted to it by the higher bodies and works to implement the decisions of the district conference and the guidance of the party

The party administration in the governorate may appoint the administration of the district organization at the time of incorporation after taking the opinion of the party administration in the region.

The Executive Body of the party in the district:

Consisting of a number of not less than three and no more than seven members and carrying out their work under the supervision of the head of the district organization. The tasks are distributed among the members of the Executive Body of the district with the approval of the head of the party administration in the district. The Commission shall prepare the agenda of the district administration and assures implementation of decisions and tasks entrusted by the party’s administration to Executive Body of the party.
