Gaza citizens prepare for return, Israeli forces are preparing

Palestinian preparations for launching the major march of return began at the end of this month, entrenching the right of return of every Palestinian refugee to return to his city. 

Gaza citizens prepare for return, Israeli forces are preparing
26 March 2018   09:52

GAZA - All Palestinian forces, factions, parties and movements will part in this procession. The participants will gather near the border strip between Gaza Strip and the Israeli-controlled Palestinian

territories, where the assembly points are located and all 700 meters away from the border fence.

The Palestinian factions and forces have issued instructions to citizens that the march must be peaceful by not using weapons or approaching the borders and committing to the distance that has been

determined in order to ensure the safety of lives of all citizens, especially that the ultimate objective of this march is to move Arab, Islamic and International position on Palestinian issue. On the other

hand, Israeli forces brought intensive military reinforcements to the length of the border, and began to work to change the features of border area through the establishment of high soil barriers and

placing snipers above the soil mounds prepared by. According to information obtained by Hawar news agency, Israeli forces equipped aircraft carrying tear gas canisters, as well as the processing of heavy armor to be used when needed.


