Turkish authorities impose new indefinite disciplinary penalty on leader Ocalan

Turkish state authorities imposed a new "disciplinary punishment" against leader Abdullah Ocalan and other Imrali detainees.

Turkish authorities impose new indefinite disciplinary penalty on leader Ocalan
21 Decemberember 2023   08:47
On October 10, the lawyers of the Al-Asr Office submitted a request to the Execution Court in Bursa for a family meeting with Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the other Imrali detainees (Hameli Yildirim, Veysi Aktas, and Omar Kunar).

The Execution Court responded to the lawyers’ request on October 13, and said that a new “disciplinary punishment” had been imposed against Abdullah Ocalan and the other detainees, but it did not say when this “disciplinary punishment” was imposed.

The court, as it always does, rejected all lawyers’ requests to meet with their clients, as well as their requests to obtain a copy of the investigation file under the pretext that “it will be published in the press.”
