Protesters slam kidnapping KJAR's Warisha Moradi in 2 European capitals

Dozens of activists in the European capitals, Stockholm and Brussels, protested against the kidnapping of the member of the Free Women’s Organization in Eastern Kurdistan, Warisha Moradi by Iranian state forces.

Protesters slam kidnapping KJAR's Warisha Moradi in 2 European capitals
21 Decemberember 2023   08:47
The Free Women in East Kurdistan (KJAR) organization organized a protest in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, and the Belgian capital, Brussels to denounce the kidnapping of its member, Warisha Moradi, by the Iranian state authorities, according to the Women’s News Agency (NUJINHA).

The protest was organized in the main squares of Stockholm and Brussels in the presence of dozens of male and female activists, during which participants carried pictures of the activist and chanted slogans against the Iranian government’s practices against civil and political activists.

They also called on the United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran and international human rights organizations to respond as quickly as possible to the kidnapping of Warisha Moradi.

Iranian state forces kidnapped Moradi, in the city of Sinah in Eastern Kurdistan on the first of last August, according to a statement issued by (KJAR) earlier.
