Syrian officer killed in Latakia countryside

A Damascus government officer was killed in the northern Latakia countryside; following an operation by "Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham" mercenaries.

Syrian officer killed in Latakia countryside
4 September 2024   20:35

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported the killing of a "lieutenant" officer from the Damascus government forces following an operation carried out by "Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham" mercenaries last night against positions of the forces in Wadi Kalz in Jabal al-Turkman in the northern Latakia countryside.

 According to the SOHR, the number of soldiers and civilians killed in ground attacks within the so-called "de-escalation zone" since the beginning of 2024 has risen to 303, during 283 operations that varied between attacks, sniper operations, clashes, targeting, and suicide drones. More than 125 soldiers, including a Turkish soldier, and 136 civilians, including 3 women and 20 children, were injured with varying degrees of injury.

T/ Satt.