Guerrilla the only force that fights Turkish occupation in S. Kurdistan

The Kurds see the People's Defense Forces (HPG) the only ones resisting in Southern Kurdistan against the Turkish occupation project.

Guerrilla the only force that fights Turkish occupation in S. Kurdistan
5 September 2024   04:10

In the context of the Kurds' comment on the escalating attacks by the Turkish occupation army on their areas in Southern Kurdistan, they stressed that the People's Defense Forces (HPG), the protector of the Kurdish peoples from the genocide practiced by the Turkish occupation state and its allies in Southern Kurdistan and Iraq.

Various areas in southern Kurdistan are witnessing escalating attacks by the Turkish occupation state, and the occupation of a large area of it with the participation of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, using all types of weapons, even internationally prohibited ones, while the People's Defense Forces continue to confront the attacks alone.

 Citizen Siyamand Ibrahim, from the city of Tirbespiye expressed his solidarity with the People's Defense Forces in the face of the Turkish occupation state.

 He pointed out that the Turkish occupation state will not be able to defeat the will of the Kurdish peoples, through these attacks, stressing the Kurds' awareness of Turkey ambitions.

Fener Hussein from the same city sees the People's Defense Forces as the hope of the Kurdish peoples, saying "The guerrilla alone is resisting in Southern Kurdistan in the face of Turkey's occupation project."

He denounced the Kurdistan Democratic Party's involvement in the Turkish occupation of the lands of Southern Kurdistan and launching attacks on the guerrilla forces, as well as the silence of the Iraqi authorities, and considered those parties enemies of the Kurdish people's cause.

Ghalia Tammo does not see the existence of Kurds in Southern Kurdistan without the presence of the People's Defense Forces.

 "The guerrillas are waging a heroic and historic resistance in Southern Kurdistan, and the women in the guerrilla have become an example of a free woman, so we women tell them that we are with you hand in hand until the aspirations of our people for freedom and democracy are achieved."
