Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs

Participants in a series of activities in the North and East Syria region highlighted the resistance of 14 July, and its importance for the peoples of Kurdistan, while stressing the continuation of their path.

Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
Series of activities in NE Syria to remember 14 July resistance' martyrs
14 July 2024   15:22

The cities of the Cantons of NE Syria witnessed a series of activities in memory of the martyrs of the 14-July resistance, the hunger strike to death in the prisons of the Turkish authorities, on its 42nd anniversary.


The Council of Martyrs' Families in Manbij organized a memorial event for the martyrs of the prison resistance, and the martyrs of the month of April, May, June and July, under the slogan "In the spirit of resistance 14 July, we will guarantee victory", which was held at the Culture and Art Center in Manbij.

Sawsan Khalil, member of the Martyrs' Families Council, delivered a speech in which she stressed that "the martyrs of the 14-July resistance wrote their names in the pages of the history of the Kurdish people struggle and that their resistance was a victory for the Kurdish people and other peoples."

Tal Hamis

The Council of the Democratic Union Party in the city of Tal Hamis organized an event in the hall of the cultural center in the city, attended by residents and members of institutions, during which the administrator of the People's Assembly, Fayek Al-Ahmad, gave a speech in which he stressed: "The sacrifices of the martyrs of the prison resistance were in order to fight injustice and dictatorial regimes."


The Terbespiyê City Council organized a meeting, which began with a presentation by video on the resistance of 14 July, then the administrator of the Democratic Union Party in the city of Terbespiyê, Sarhad Khalaf, gave a speech in which he said: "The resistance of 14 July was the first spark to limit the Turkish policy, which was aimed at breaking the will of the militants through psychological and physical torture, and its attempt to cancel the identity of the Kurdish people."


The PYD Council of Afrin and Shahba Canton organized a seminar in Sardam Hall, during which a member of the Democratic Union Party, Farhan Kobani, recalled the martyrs of the 14 July resistance, and stressed, "This day is the day of the resistance of the oppressed people against the state's mentality and demanding their natural rights. It is also the day of laying a solid foundation for the resistance of the revolutionaries against the centralized mentality, and the beginning of revolutions in the Middle East."
