SDF liberates citizen, kidnapped in Raqqa city

The Syrian Democratic Forces liberated a citizen in the city of Raqqa who had been kidnapped by a criminal gang for the purpose of demanding a financial ransom.

SDF liberates citizen, kidnapped in Raqqa city
28 February 2024   22:15

A statement published on the official website of the Syrian Democratic Forces stated that their forces received a report from the family of the kidnapped person, “Hassan al-Saleh al-Khalaf al-Dali,” a citizen of the city of Raqqa, that he had been kidnapped.

The statement added, "Our forces began investigations, research, and gathering information about him and the kidnappers. Within a short period of time, they were able to determine where he was being held, and immediately imposed a tight siege around him, and issued surrender calls to the kidnapping parties. All they had to do was respond to the call and surrender themselves to our forces. The kidnapped man was freed and returned to his family safely.”

According to the Syrian Democratic Forces, Al-Dali was kidnapped on the evening of February 12 by several armed people who intercepted him while he was driving his car, took him to an unknown destination, and began the process of bargaining with his family to demand ransom.

The Syrian Democratic Forces also affirmed "its constant concern for the security and safety of citizens, and will strike forcefully at anyone who dares to tamper with the security of citizens and commit acts that destabilize the region, or expose citizens to blackmail operations."

T/ Satt.