SDF arrests an ISIS mercenary in Raqqa

The Syrian Democratic Forces carried out a security operation in Raqqa, which resulted in the arrest of an ISIS mercenary.

SDF arrests an ISIS mercenary in Raqqa
5 December 2023   16:40

the Media Center of the Syrian Democratic Forces published a written statement on its official website, revealing the details of the security operation carried out by its forces against ISIS mercenary cells in Raqqa.

The text of the statement, as published on the general website of the forces’ media center, is as follows:

“As part of our forces, the Syrian Democratic Forces, pursuing the remnants of the remaining cells of the terrorist organization ISIS, yesterday, Monday, the “military operations teams” of our forces carried out a security operation inside the city of Raqqa, aiming to arrest a member of the terrorist organization.

The operation took place after careful and careful follow-up of the terrorist element, as our forces were able to besiege him in a house in the “Kurdish” neighborhood inside the city of Raqqa, and arrest the terrorist called “Abdul Razzaq Mahmoud Zabaki,” nicknamed “Abu Khattab,” who comes from the city of Al-Bab, located under Turkish occupation control.

The arrested terrorist, “Abdul Razzaq,” was responsible for distributing weapons and ammunition to ISIS terrorist cells in the city of Raqqa and its countryside.

Our forces confirm that they will spare no effort in pursuing the cells of the terrorist organization, until our areas are cleansed of them, eliminating them, and preserving civil peace there.”

T/ Satt.