SDF: 352 terrorists captured during 2023

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) revealed the outcome of the security operations against ISIS mercenaries during 2023.

SDF: 352 terrorists captured during 2023
29 December 2023   18:33

SDF's Media Center stated, " During 2023, our SDF conducted many security operations against the remnants of ISIS terrorist cells, including large-scale operations, and others conducted in coordination and cooperation with the international coalition forces against ISIS. These operations resulted in the capture and elimination of dozens of terrorists, including ISIS Emirs and senior ISIS officials. These terrorists were involved in providing the ISIS cells with intelligence information, weapons, and military equipment, in addition to financing terrorist cells, transporting and smuggling their members and their families from prisons and al-Hol camp, as well as smuggling and moving cells between the Syrian Badia region and the areas occupied by the Turkish occupation, planning to carry out terrorist attacks against civilians and military and security forces, and destabilizing the security and stability of the north and eastern regions of Syria.

The following is the outcome of the Anti-ISIS operations conducted by our forces since the beginning of 2023:

– The total number of operations: /73/ operations, including three large-scale operations, namely: “Operation Al-Jazeera Thunderbolt”, “Retaliation for Raqqa Martyrs”, and “Operation Security Reinforcement in Deir Ezzor”.

– Number of terrorists captured: /352/ terrorists, suspects, facilitators, and collaborators, including /155/ terrorists captured in the ” Operation Al-Jazeera Thunderbolt”, and /127/ terrorists in” Operation Retaliation for Raqqa Martyrs”, including also /5/ linked to Turkish intelligence.

– Number of Emirs (senior ISIS officials) captured: /6/ terrorists. Khaled al-Shami, deputy military commander of the so-called Wilayat al-Sham, Abu Hillel al-Fada’ni, head of operations in ISIS, Ahmed al-Hajji, financial official in Wilayat al-Sham, Abdul Gaphour Tabr al-Diab, emir of the Islamic Bank of ISIS and head of the Diwan of Tribes – Atallah al-Maithan, governor of Raqqa province.

– The number of terrorist elements eliminated: /12/ terrorists, including /4/dangerous senior terrorists: Ibrahim al-Ali “Abu Mujahid”, the governor of the Eastern Province, Muhannad al-Sari al-Fadgham, one of the dangerous security men, Hamza al-Homsi, and Abu Obaida al-Iraqi, the leader of ISIS in al-Hol camp.

 – The areas where the operations were conducted:

“Al-Hol – Tel Hamis – Tal Brak – Iraqi-Syrian border – countryside of Deir Ezzor – Hittin farm north of Raqqa – Sabkha in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor – the city of Raqqa – Darbasiya – Manbij – Tabqa – Shuhail – Karama – Mansoura – Jarnia – Sarrin – Theban – Tayana – Balqees village in Tel Hamis – Tuwaymin – Rumaila neighborhood and Kurds neighborhood in Raqqa – Suar in Deir Ezzor – Al-Hajna – Salhabiya – Markada – Jdeidet Bakara – Al-Busaira – Dashisha – Sabkha in the countryside of Al-Shadadi – Al-Ezba – Albu Netal village of the town of Suar – Northern Syria –  The western countryside of Raqqa.”

  Our forces, which have made great sacrifices to eliminate the terrorist organization of ISIS and rid the world of its terrorism, confirm their commitment to continue their moral and national tasks to pursue and eliminate ISIS cells and dry up their sources, However, it is imperative to bring to the world’s attention the concerning actions of certain regional countries, notably Turkey. We assert that Turkey continues to provide logistical support and protection to ISIS leaders, particularly in the areas it occupies in northern Syria. These areas have transformed into safe havens for ISIS leaders, with the establishment of camps and hospitals for treating wounded terrorists. Turkey is also trying, through its repeated attacks on our areas, to tamper with security and stability and allow ISIS cells to move and prepare to attack prisons and camps that contain its members, which requires opening the file of Turkish cooperation with ISIS and facilitating its movements."