Politicians confirm that Syrian solution by joining hands together 

A political figure and activist at the civil level found that there is no solution to the Syrian crisis if the Syrian parties do not unite and dialogue with each other, and through the idea of internal Syrian dialogue between all components of Syrian society, a formula can be reached that guarantees a solution for all.

Politicians confirm that Syrian solution by joining hands together 
12 November 2023   02:13

There is only one solution that will end the suffering of the Syrian people, which is the solidarity of the Syrians without relying on regional and international powers that aim to prolong the life of the crisis and exploit its current situation for their own interests without showing any importance to the future of Syria. This is what all Syrians see.

However, efforts to achieve this are absent, except for those that the Syrians in North and East Syria have always called for, namely the “Syrian-Syrian” dialogue.

In light of the political and military developments the world is witnessing, and what Syria is suffering as a result of the struggle of regional and international powers to dominate the world, Syrian activists and figures affirm the importance of the Syrian-Syrian dialogue, and its enemy is the only way and guarantor to end the Syrian crisis and meet the aspirations of the Syrian people, and that staying away from it will have repercussions. It makes the Syrians an easy prey.

Syrian politician Basil Taqi al-Din stressed the importance of the Syrian-Syrian dialogue, and said: “There is no doubt that its importance stems from the fact that we are all Syrians and under a Syrian roof, and for bringing together all Syrians, as each component has its own specificity, and also for discussing the solution to the problems of the people in general, including the Kurdish component, and so on.” It seeks to enable the Syrian components to realize themselves, solve their problems, and preserve their privacy under the one Syrian umbrella.”

Basil Taqi al-Din stressed that the main focus of the means to solve the Syrian crisis is dialogue between Syrians, and he ruled out that the solution to the Syrian crisis would be external, in order for the Syrians to know their requirements and endeavors, and for the regional powers to search for their interests at the expense of the Syrian people.

Taqi al-Din said: “There is no doubt that the only solution to the Syrian crisis is Syrian dialogue between all components of society, and I propose internal Syrian dialogue, because many of the foreign countries intervening in Syrian affairs are programmed to serve specific agendas, and through the idea of internal Syrian dialogue between all components of Syrian society, we will reach to a formula that guarantees a solution for all, Syria’s prosperity, and its territorial integrity under the umbrella of “We are all Syrians.”

While the civil activist, Muhammad Mahmoud, pointed out the repercussions of relying on external solutions and dictates, and not resorting to a Syrian dialogue that meets the aspirations of the Syrians, “because of our inability to achieve a national dialogue and to achieve the basics of a national state in which there is neither vanquished nor victor, neither master nor slave, we are a very easy prey for all the regional countries that extend their influence over our country, whether in peace or war.”

T/ Satt.