Peoples' Democratic Council approves Municipalities Law

During its 97th session, the Peoples' Democratic Council approved the Municipality and Democratic Union of Municipalities Law, consisting of 62 articles.

Peoples' Democratic Council approves Municipalities Law
7 April 2024   14:42

The Democratic Peoples’ Council held its 97th session today in the presence of the Council’s presidential body, members of the Peoples’ Councils in the seven provinces, members of the legislative councils in the regions and the Local Administration and Environment Body in NE Syria in the meeting room of the building of the Democratic Autonomous Administration in Raqqa. 

On Saturday, the Peoples' Democratic Council approved 19 articles of the Municipality Law and the Democratic Union of Municipalities during the 96th session, and today it will complete its work by approving the law, which consists of 62 articles in 11 chapters.

It included chapters and articles of the law; The Federation of Municipalities, the financial system of municipalities, municipal expenditures, the municipality’s relationship with the commune and the local council, the administrative organization in the municipality, and the powers and responsibilities of municipalities.

During its 97th session, the Peoples' Democratic Council is scheduled to approve the draft municipal elections law, which consists of 29 articles.
