Mother of resistance in prison: We are proud of them

Gulistan Youssef, the mother of one of the participants in the event of the hunger strike in prison, expressed their pride in their daughter and called for the support of the activities of freedom detainees.

Mother of resistance in prison: We are proud of them
Mother of resistance in prison: We are proud of them
Mother of resistance in prison: We are proud of them
1 April 2024   07:37

In the context of the campaign "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, the political solution to the Kurdish issue" that started on October 10 of last year, in 74 centers around the world, political detainees in Turkish prisons in Northern Kurdistan and Turkey began on November 27 of the same year a temporary hunger strike, and it continues on its 126th day.

The detainees' families support their sons and daughters through events and express their opinions in this regard, as they support the families of detainees in the prisons of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan who are from North and East Syria, resisting prisons by expressing their pride in them.

Mother Gulistan Youssef, from the city of Qamishlo, expressed her support for her daughter, who was detained in Turkish prisons, 3 years ago, where the fighter in the People's Defense Forces HPG, Leyla Youssef (27 years old), was arrested after losing awareness during one of the battles against the Turkish occupation army, due to the latter's use of chemical weapons, and she was subjected after her arrest of torture and detained in a solitary cell for two years.

Leyla Youssef, who has been prevented by the Turkish authorities from communicating with her mother by phone 3 years ago, is participating in the event of the hunger strike in Erdrom Prison, and no one has been able to communicate with her since her arrest and until now only her sister who lives in Europe.

Leyla: Our hopes are great

Leyla contacted her sister about two months ago and informed her that she was a food strike with a number of her companions, saying: "I have participated in the event for 6 days, we are better than ever, our hopes are great, and our future is open, so you are also strong."

Leyla 's mother: I am proud of her and everyone should support them

Gulistan Youssef spoke to ANHA's agency about the event of the hunger strike and expressed her pride in her daughter, and she expressed her feelings, saying "I salute all political detainees" and continued her speech saying: "I wish them success and victory, my daughter Leyla was arrested against the background of the Kurdish issue, her steadfastness and resistance is her and her companions between four separate walls, we derive our strength from them, and I cherish my daughter, and our entire people support the leader and activists in prisons. They represent our hopes, we have to stand with them, adopt their cause and support them.

T/ Satt.