MMC confirms its commitment to defending the people against attacks

MMC confirms its commitment to defending the people against attacks
MMC confirms its commitment to defending the people against attacks
MMC confirms its commitment to defending the people against attacks
MMC confirms its commitment to defending the people against attacks
MMC confirms its commitment to defending the people against attacks
MMC confirms its commitment to defending the people against attacks
MMC confirms its commitment to defending the people against attacks
MMC confirms its commitment to defending the people against attacks
28 May 2024   18:04

The Manbij Military Council affirmed its commitment to protecting the people of the region and defending them against attacks, during a meeting held in Manbij Canton.


The meeting was held with the participation of the Autonomous Administration of Manbij Canton, political parties, the Zenobia Women’s Association, the Martyrs’ Families Council, and tribal sheikhs, during which the field situation in the region was explained and future developments were read.

During the meeting held in the People's Assembly hall in the city of Manbij, member of the General Command of the Manbij Military Council, Ibrahim Hamdan, spoke.

Hamdan referred to the hostile policy followed by the Turkish occupation state against North and East Syria, and said: “It targets the region repeatedly, and with the harvest season, the occupation has intensified its attacks in a hostility that aims to fight the people by all means.”

He stressed that they in the Manbij Military Council are always ready to confront the attacks of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries, indicating that the council’s fighters derive their strength and will from the people of the region.

Stressing that the city of Manbij is a red line whose security cannot be compromised and the martyrs sacrificed their lives in order to protect it from the abomination of terrorism, occupiers and mercenaries.

With the beginning of the agricultural crop harvest season, the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries set fires near the contact lines in the countryside of Manbij Canton, in addition to repeated bombing of agricultural lands, which led to the burning of thousands of hectares, including thousands of olive trees.

The participants in the meeting shared their opinions, through their interventions, and pointed out that the people of Manbij Canton are ready to stand with the fighters to confront the attacks and that it increases their determination to resist and achieve victory.

T/ Satt.