Leader in YNK: Situation in Kurdistan witnesses major economic, political crises

A leader in the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan pointed out that southern Kurdistan is witnessing major economic, political and administrative crises, and signs of a social crisis are looming on the horizon.

Leader in YNK: Situation in Kurdistan witnesses major economic, political crises
1 February 2024   12:02

The leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Ariz Abdullah, published a post on virtual social networking sites, in which he highlighted the deteriorating political and economic conditions in the Kurdistan region.

The leader touched on the salary crisis, the public protests and sit-ins in Sulaymaniyah and Halabja, and Dohuk in southern Kurdistan warning of a societal explosion there.

Abdullah pointed out that "the Kurdistan region is currently witnessing major economic, political and administrative crises, and signs of a social crisis are looming on the horizon, because they are linked to each other and have a common impact."

"If we look at the political map of southern Kurdistan, we see that the conflicts have reached levels that make us wait for Baghdad to solve the problem of our parliamentary elections, while we could have solved this matter here, by making them four electoral districts and agreeing on a seat and this means that the crises are in fact of our own making and we are the ones who do not want to solve them” He added

He stressed that the situation is heading toward a societal explosion. Due to non-payment of employee salaries, sit-ins and public protests in Sulaymaniyah, Halabja, and secrecy in Hawler and Dohuk.

​​Leader Abdullah stressed: "A radical solution must be found to these major crises, and the biggest crisis in the Kurdistan region is that we are not ready to bear responsibility for our mistakes that have emerged and the people are paying the price for them."​

He explained that there are still no signs of resolving these crises, and in this case we are faced with two possibilities: “The first is the explosion of the situation out of control, especially in matters of managing the affairs of the region, which will lead to failure and establish setbacks and collapses, the second is to resort to creating a bigger crisis to cover up other crises, this is certainly not the solution.

But escaping responsibility has become the best way to survive and continue the same failed system of governance and authority in the region.”
