Iraq's Kataib Hezbollah denies resuming attacks on US forces

The Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades denied issuing a statement announcing the resumption of its attacks on American forces, after publishing a contrary position on Telegram which sparked a state of confusion and a wave of questions.

Iraq's Kataib Hezbollah denies resuming attacks on US forces
22 April 2024   13:59

The Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades denied issuing a statement announcing the resumption of its attacks on American forces, and said that it did not announce that, noting that the previous statement was not deleted from the Brigades’ Telegram account even after the denial was issued.

An account affiliated with the "Hezbollah Brigades" published a statement at dawn today, in which it was stated that it had given Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani "three months to negotiate with the American forces in order to set a specific timetable for their exit from the country, and set a time to resume operations against them after al-Sudani's visit to Washington in the event that "Not coming up with a serious result to get them out."

The statement also added that after the end of the visit it became clear that “there was no foreign intention to leave Iraq, the Islamic Resistance took a decision to return to military action, and what happened a short while ago is the beginning that must escalate and remain in an apparent reference to an attack that occurred on Sunday, as several missiles were launched from southern Kurdistan at a base housing American forces in NE Syria.

This position came in conjunction with the targeting of the Ain al-Assad base in Anbar on Monday.

It also came two days after the explosion that occurred in the Kalsu Popular Mobilization Forces camp in Babil Governorate, on Friday night - Saturday, for which the United States denied responsibility.
