HPG destroys Turkish occupation jack in Zap

Gerîla TV broadcast video footage of an operation carried out by the People Defense Forces against the Turkish occupation army in Zap in the Medya defense areas, in S. Kurdistan.

HPG destroys Turkish occupation jack in Zap
13 July 2024   13:32

Gerîla TV published footage of the operation carried out by the HPG, which resulted in the destruction of a jack belonging to the Turkish occupation army.

The footage showed the monitoring of a site containing the vehicles and occupation soldiers west of Zap in the Medya defense areas, and the HPG began a pre-prepared ambush to target the vehicle.

The HPG Media Centre had previously issued a statement regarding the operation, reads:

"In the area of the martyr Dalil west of Zap;

On July 8, at 16:20, our forces targeted a jack belonging to the Turkish occupation in the Resistance Square in Serkil in Zap, which resulted in the complete destruction of the jack."
