HPG carries out 16 operations against Turkish occupation army

The People's Defense Forces HPG carried out 16 operations against the Turkish occupation army, in the mid-defense areas of Southern Kurdistan, and the occupation also launched attacks with banned chemical weapons and explosives.

HPG carries out 16 operations against Turkish occupation army
2 June 2024   16:01

On Sunday, the Media Center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) issued a statement about the operations carried out by the Guerrilla forces and the attacks by the Turkish occupation army, which stated:

“In the area of Martyr Dalil, west of Zap:

On May 30, at 09:50, fighters from the Free Women’s Units - Star targeted the occupation army in the Resistance Square in FM Hill with heavy weapons.

On the same date, at 14:47, Free Women’s Units fighters targeted the Turkish occupation army in the Resistance Square on Judi Hill with semi-automatic weapons.

On May 31, at 09:15 and 10:50, our forces carried out an operation against enemy soldiers who were trying to advance into the resistance square on Judi Hill with heavy weapons. Following the operation, the enemy soldiers withdrew to some extent.

On May 31, at 16:50, our forces targeted the Turkish occupation army in the resistance square in Judi Hill with heavy weapons.

On the same date, at 18:00, Free Women’s Units fighters targeted the occupation army in the resistance square in Judi Hill with heavy weapons.

On June 1, at 13:00 and 17:00, Free Women’s Units fighters targeted the Turkish occupation army in the resistance square in Judi Hill with semi-automatic weapons.

At 18:00 on June 1, Free Women’s Units fighters targeted occupation soldiers in the Resistance Square in Judi Hill with heavy weapons.

On May 31, at 10:00, our forces targeted the Turkish occupation army in the Resistance Square on Amadiyah Hill with semi-automatic weapons.

On May 31, at 10:05, the Turkish occupation army was targeted in the Resistance Square on Amadiyah Hill with heavy weapons, and the operation was carried out by fighters of the Free Women’s Units.

On the same date, at 16:35, our forces carried out an operation with heavy weapons against the Turkish occupation army in the Resistance Square in Amadiyah Hill.

At 16:30 and 17:25 on May 31, our forces carried out a qualitative operation against the Turkish occupation army in the Resistance Square in Amadiyah Hill.

On June 2, at 06:30, Free Women’s Units fighters targeted the Turkish occupation army in the Resistance Square in Amadiyah Hill with semi-automatic weapons.

In the Matina area:

On June 1, at 07:50, the Turkish occupation army, which was trying to advance on Meskay Square, was targeted with semi-automatic weapons.

Turkish occupation army attacks with banned explosives:

On May 30 and 31, and on June 1, the Turkish occupation army bombed the war tunnels in the Resistance Square on FM Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, with chemical gases 21 times.

On May 31, booby-trapped drones of the Turkish occupation army once bombed the war tunnels in the Resistance Square in Judi Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap.

On May 29 and June 1, the Turkish occupation army bombed 8 times the war tunnels in the Resistance Square on Amadiyah Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, with prohibited explosives.

Turkish occupation army attacks;

On May 31 and June 1, Turkish warplanes bombed 7 times the Kafya Plain, Zankel Hill, Darya Harj and Dayrash in the Ghari region, 9 times the resistance squares in Baz, Seri Matina and Derkal in the Mtina region, once Sanin Square in the Khakurk region, and once a. Resistance Square in Judi Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap.”

T/ Satt.