HPG carries out 15 operations in memory of July 14 Death Fast Resistance

The People's Defense Forces (HPG) carried out 15 specific operations against the Turkish occupation army on the occasion of the approaching 42nd anniversary of July 14 Death Fast Resistance that happened in Amed prison, Northern Kurdistan.

HPG carries out 15 operations in memory of July 14 Death Fast Resistance
13 July 2024   17:14

HPG's Media Center issued a written statement about its operations against the Turkish occupation army on the occasion of the approaching 42nd anniversary of the Great Death Fast.

The statement read:

“In Gaver area;

On July 11, our forces targeted an armored vehicle of the Turkish occupation army in the Ormar Valley using specific tactics, killing two Turkish soldiers, wounding another soldier, and completely destroying the vehicle.

In Metina area;

On July 11, between 13:00 and 16:17, violent clashes broke out between our forces and enemy forces, as our forces targeted the Turkish occupation army three times, using sniping tactics, the clashes led to killing and wounding a number of the Turkish soldiers.

 At 18:00, the helicopter that was trying to reach the site of the battle was targeted from three directions.

On July 12, at 07:30, our forces targeted the Turkish occupation army in the Resistance Square of Darkel using specific tactics, resulting in the killing of two Turkish soldiers.

In Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap;

On July 11, at 16:00, our forces targeted enemy soldiers in the resistance square of Judi Hill with semi-automatic weapons.

On July 11, at 16:15, Free Women’s Units fighters targeted enemy soldiers in the resistance square of Judi Hill with semi-automatic weapons.

On July 12, at 03:50, Free Women’s Units fighters targeted the occupation army in the Resistance Square of Judi Hill with semi-automatic weapons.

On July 12, at 18:00, Free Women’s Units fighters targeted the occupation army in Judi Hill, with heavy weapons, which led to stopping its movements.


On July 11, at 09:40 and 14:10, our forces targeted the enemy army in the Resistance Square of Amadiya Hill with semi-automatic weapons.

On July 11, at 12:15 and 13:10, our forces targeted the Turkish occupation army in the Resistance Square of Bahar Hill with semi-automatic weapons.

On July 11, at 23:00, the movements of a Turkish occupation army helicopter that was trying to land in the Resistance Square of Bahar Hill were stopped.

On July 11, Free Women’s Units fighters targeted the occupation army five times in the Resistance Square of Bahar Hill with semi-automatic weapons, and directed strong strikes at two occupation sites.

On July 12, at 05:15, 16:30 and 17:30, the enemy army in Bahar Hill was targeted with semi-automatic weapons, stopping its movements.

On July 12, our forces stopped the Turkish occupation helicopter movements in the Resistance Square of Bahar Hill.

Attacks of Turkish occupation army with prohibited weapons;

On July 11 and 12, the war tunnels in the FM Hill Resistance Square were bombed 18 times with chemical gases and 5 times with banned explosives.

Turkish occupation army attacks;

On July 10, 11, and 12, Turkish warplanes bombed the squares of Martyr Sharif, Kulet, Kandukula, and Barbazan Hill in the Khakurki region 5 times, and 15 times the squares of Miran, Kanisark, Sahel Kafya, Repin, Zankel, Zivik, Yakmal, Darash, Koze, and Haftbagh in the Gari region.

They also targeted the Resistance Square of Shilaz in the Metina region, and the Resistance Square of Bahar Hill in the Martyr Dalil area west of Zap.

On July 11 and 12, the resistance squares of Darkel and Srei Metina in the Metina region and Shekif Square in the Khakorki region were bombed by the Turkish helicopters.
